
这笔赠款的资金已全部用完. 如果你是一名学生,正在寻找 紧急援助,请联系 studentsuccess@promisesurfing.net.


2022世界杯买球盘口和美国.S. 教育部(通过冠状病毒援助, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act) teamed up to help meet the needs of our 学生在这个困难时期.


We offered two specific initiatives to assist our students: grants direct-to-students 还有重修课程的学分. 《世界杯买球盘口》紧急拨款的所有资金 消耗.




Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provide for a Higher Education 紧急救济基金.  2022世界杯买球盘口现在已经获得了两项不同的资助 截至2021年4月.




We are excited to share details about the CARES Act student grants that 科林大学 管理.  2022世界杯买球盘口已经签署并提交了一份认证和协议 接受《世界杯买球盘口》的资助.  总奖项为 the initial award was $10,790,912 and no less than 50% of the funds will be provided 以紧急助学金的形式直接发放给学生.


As of September 1, 2020, 科林大学 has awarded $5,395,456 to 6,745 students who 2020年春季学期的学生. 我们估计大约有15500名学生 是否有资格获得资助.


科林大学 adopted a two-phase approach to distributing funds to students.  的 first phase resulted in automatic awards to our most needy students as identified 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA).  每个学生都有一个期望 家庭捐款16000美元及以下,可获得800美元的奖助金.


的 second phase allowed any eligible student to apply for the remaining funds through 内部申请流程.  该应用程序位于CougarWeb Financial 通过选择“紧急拨款援助”菜单项进行援助.  FAFSA的完成 是应用程序的要求吗.


学生们能够获得高达800美元的紧急补助金. 这些资金 are not automatically awarded are reviewed by a committee which has been established 审查所有《世界杯买球盘口》紧急拨款申请.


的 following information was provided to all students who could have potentially 有资格获得紧急赠款资金:

科林大学 has received Emergency Grant Assistance funding directly from the Department 的教育. 紧急补助金援助基金将用于帮助有以下情况的学生 在经济上受到COVID-19的影响. 我们鼓励有需要的学生 填写紧急补助金援助申请表格. 获批准的申请人 will receive up to assist with living expenses 在这艰难的时刻. 你必须 必须是当前春季学期的学生才能申请.


To complete the application, please sign in to CougarWeb and click on “My Financial 学生快速链接下的“援助”. 一旦你在经济援助部分,选择 "紧急赠款援助"并回答五个问题. 确保你点击了 发送应用程序的提交按钮.


Emergency grants will not need to be paid back and are designed to support our students 在这艰难的时刻. 获批准的申请将按先后次序批出 在资助持续期间收到,所以现在申请吗.  将发送获奖通知 发到你的2022世界杯买球盘口邮箱.




科林大学 received a second Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Grant through 《世界杯买球盘口》将于2021年春季生效.  共5 394 456美元(与 was given for Spring of 2020 was made available to us for the Spring of 2021.


As of May 3, 2021, 科林大学 has awarded $5,395,456 to 10,410 students who were 在2021年春季学期入学.  我们估计大约有15000名学生 是否有资格获得资助, but we were not able to verify their 国籍.


的 round 2 funds were automatically awarded to students who completed the free application 申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA).  获得资助的唯一标准是学生 be enrolled in the spring semester and be either a citizen or an eligible non-citizen 根据教育部的定义.


赠款是按分层方式发放的.  EFC超过16000美元的学生 获得250美元.  EFC为16000美元或以下的学生如果入学,将获得800美元 全职工作6 - 11小时400美元,少于6小时250美元.


的 following information was sent to students to encourage them to complete the free 申请联邦学生资助.


科林大学 has received a second Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Grant 为学生.  在这种情况下,你所需要做的就是确保你已经完成了免费游戏 联邦学生资助申请(www.fd88.com.fafsa.政府).  补助金将自动 be awarded to students who are eligible for the grant based on data from the FAFSA.




科林大学 received a third Higher Education Relief Grant through the Cares Act 2021年春季学期结束. 这笔资金是为学生预留的 参加2021年夏季,2021年秋季和2022年春季.


As of December 31, 2021 a total of $2,349,300 has been awarded to 4,440 students for summer 2021 and $10,016,750 had been awarded to 10,480 students for fall 2021. We estimate that approximately 6,200 students were eligible for summer grants and approximately 15,500名学生有资格获得秋季奖学金. 2022年春季,总费用为9,077,735美元 已授予10,020名学生. 全部赠款金额$21,443,785已 由第三轮派发.


For the summer, awards were automatically made to all students who complete a FAFSA 2020-2021年援助年度. 没有资格完成FAFSA的学生可以 able to submit an application by signing into CougarWeb Financial Aid and clicking 2022世界杯买球盘口紧急拨款夏季或紧急拨款2021-22.


补助金将以分层方式发放. 有EFC的暑期学生结束了 16000美元的奖金是300美元. EFC为1.6万美元或以下的学生可获得1200美元 if enrolled full time, $600 if enrolled in 6-11 hours and $300 if enrolled in less 6小时以上.


For the fall and spring, awards are automatically made to all students who complete 2021-2022援助年度的FAFSA. 没有资格完成FAFSA的学生 are able to submit an application by signing into CougarWeb Financial Aid and clicking 2022世界杯买球盘口紧急拨款夏季或紧急拨款2021-2022.


补助金将以分层方式发放. 有EFC的秋季学生结束 1.6万美元奖金250美元. EFC为16,000美元或以下的学生可获得1,500美元 if enrolled full time, $800 if enrolled in 6-11 hours and $250 if enrolled in less 6小时以上.


EFC超过16000美元的春季学生可以获得200美元的奖励. 学生EFC为 $16,000 and below were given $1,500 if enrolled full time, $700 if enrolled in 6-11 如果注册时间少于6小时,收费200美元.


的 following information has been sent to all students to encourage them to apply 2021年夏季直接发放给学生的助学金.

科林大学 has received stimulus money in the form of emergency grants 为学生 谁在夏季入学. 即使学生没有能力,他们也可以获得这笔补助金 接受其他联邦资助,如佩尔助学金和贷款.



1. Citizens and Permanent Residents should complete the 2020-2021 FAFSA at www.fafsa.政府. 截止日期是6月30日
2. 所有其他学生可以填写我们的内部申请表格, but it will not 截止到7月1日. 以下是如何申请:
a. 登录CougarWeb
b. 在学生快速链接下选择“我的经济资助”
c. Select "Emergency Grant 2020-2021" and complete the first three questions. 点击 提交.

We will also have grant money available for fall and spring, so make sure you have 也完成了2021-2022年FAFSA.


的 following information has been sent to all students to encourage them to apply for the direct to student grants for fall 2021 and spring 2022 semesters.


科林大学 has received stimulus money in the form of emergency grants 为学生 谁在2021-2022学年的秋季和春季入学. 学生可以获得 this grant even if they are not able to receive other federal funding such as Pell 助学金及贷款.


1. 公民和永久居民应在以下时间完成2021-2022年FAFSA www.fafsa.政府. 
2. 所有其他学生可以填写我们的内部申请表格. 以下是如何申请:
a. 登录CougarWeb
b. 在学生快速链接下选择“我的经济资助”
c. Select "Emergency Grant 2021-2022" and complete the first three questions. 点击 提交.



Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the spring of 2020, all 科林大学's 学术课程全部转移到网上.  这是交付的重大变化 of instruction and abrupt modification of campus operations may have resulted in students 选择退出一门或多门课程.  学费学分提供给学生 who withdrew from a course in the spring semester after March 13, 2020 the chance 在经济资助下重修同一门课程.  信用证所涵盖 the tuition and student activity fees for retaking the same course in its entirety 要么在2020年夏季要么在2020年秋季.




科林大学 was allocated institutional funds of $5,395,456 as part of the CARES Act Higher Education 紧急救济基金, $18,430,645 as part of CRRSSA (HEERF II) and $20,982,343 as part of ARPA (HEERF III) to a total allocation of $44,808,444.  In compliance with reporting requirements established by the Department 的教育, the reports posted below summarize 科林大学's use of these funds to date.




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